and washed and washed the wet towel s on my forehead

and washed and washed the wet towel s on my forehead

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Tip: this game can also be played by consciously making sound. The mother hid behind a big towel and made some common sounds so that the baby could guess what the mother was doing in the back. This makes it more playful and more interesting.

and washed and washed the wet towel s on my forehead

There are spots where surfers shine when they hear them. Every winter, top surfers from all over the world come here to participate in the vans Triple Crown Competition. All you have to do is spread a beach towel on the beach and enjoy the sea performances of the coolest surfers in the world. Pipeline is one of the most dangerous wave spots in the world, but it still attracts a large number of ronins to come here to prove themselves and nature. This is probably the charm of surfing. Paia and Halewa are both recommended places for surfers to visit. Various characteristics of surfing shops and works of art, do not collect a few home how worthy of this surfing theme trip!

At the same time, say “good-bye” to the flu at the following five points: wash hands frequently; keep the environment clean and ventilated; minimize activities to crowded places during the epidemic season; maintain good respiratory hygiene habits and cover your mouth and nose with upper arms or paper towels or towels when coughing or sneezing; wash hands after coughing or sneezing and avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth as far as possible When you have influenza-like symptoms, you should pay attention to rest and self-isolation, and wear a mask when going to a public place or during medical treatment.

and washed and washed the wet towel s on my forehead

The teachers of each class guided the children to evacuate according to the evacuation route. under the command of the evacuation guides on each floor and the leadership of the teachers and caregivers of each class, the children each took wet towels, covered their mouths and noses, bent down, and held on to the railings of the stairs without making noise. one by one, they evacuated quickly. The freshmen of the small class participated in the fire safety escape drill for the first time in the third week of the park, and they were able to follow the command, do not cry, do not make trouble in the face of danger, and performed very well.

2. First find an empty spray bottle, fill it with half a bottle of white vinegar, then pour water to the mouth of the spray bottle, cover the bottle and shake it well. Spray little by little on the dashboard and steering wheel of the car, on both sides of the car door, and wait a few minutes to wipe the plastic interior with dry towels or some paper towels. Finally, scrub with a special cleaning cloth.

and washed and washed the wet towel s on my forehead

According to the on-the-spot inspection afterwards, because the owner installed a glass door in the living room leading to the bedroom, after the fire was discovered, the glass door was closed tightly, forming a temporary “firewall” to stop the fire from spreading. Then the family hid in the master bedroom farthest from the fire living room and blocked the crack in the door with wet towels to block smoke from entering the room. And timely call 119 fire alarm call at the same time to the window loudly for help. Due to the proper measures taken by the family to save themselves, firefighters were given valuable rescue time, and no one was injured when they were rescued.

I felt like I was being thrown into a burning fire. After a while, it was like being pushed into the Antarctic glacier, and it was unbearably cold. Sweat soaked all over me, and my mother dried me again and again, wiped my palms and armpits with wine again and again, and washed and washed the wet towels on my forehead again and again.

So it is a hard, complex and painstaking work, the quality of the wasteland reclamation project will directly affect the quality and grade of the future cleaning work, so it is very important to do a good job in opening up wasteland. The procedures are as follows: first clean up the decoration garbage left at the scene; vacuum from top to bottom; clean the glass frame with a towel first. Then use a water smear to dip the diluted glass solution and apply the glass evenly from top to bottom.